Welcome to “My First Film”
A Weekly Video Podcast asking Hollywood Directors how they made their first film.
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Recent Episodes
Ep. 009
The Burghart Bros on “Head Count”
Ep. 008
Francis Galluppi on “The Last Stop in Yuma County”
Ep. 007
Amanda Lundquist on “Pinsky”
Ep. 006
Clay Tatum on "The Civil Dead"
Ep. 005
Edoardo Vitaletti on "The Last Thing Mary Saw"
Ep. 004
Jonathan Cuartas on "My Heart Can't Beat Unless You Tell It To"
Ep. 003
Joel Potrykus on "Ape"
Ep. 002
Colin West on “Double Walker”
Ep. 001
Jonah Feingold on "Dating and New York"
Ep. 000
Trailer - Welcome to “My First Film”

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Meet the Host
Alec C. Cohen is a filmmaker & content creator based in Los Angeles, CA. He’s currently developing his first film, “Petunia”.
Favorite Film: Good Time (2017)